sábado, 22 de xullo de 2017

Crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)

The crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) is a small bird, that lives in Europe. His way of life is basically sedentary, settling in forest, preferably pine forest, although also abundant in cork, oak and other formations. crested tit is caracterized by presenting a triangular crest with black and white fheathers which usually deploys. his face, too, is covered with black and white fheathers, but his neck is all black, like it had a necklace. conversley the body and the tail are brown color. In terms of food, crested tit eat seeds, insects and spiders. His reproductive cycle begins in April and May, and usually has two sets per year. the sets is composed of three to nine eggs, and incubation usually lasts eighteen days. After three weeks the chicks  begin to fly, while they are fed by their parents.

Currently this species is not in great danger, but is considered to be of special interest.